In a rare and tragic incident, a mountain lion attacked two brothers in northern California, resulting in the death of a 21-year-old and severe injuries to his 18-year-old brother as they hunted for antlers.
In northern California, a horrifying incident unfolded when a mountain lion attacked two brothers in the Georgetown area of El Dorado County, leading to the death of a 21-year-old man and significant injuries to his 18-year-old brother. The attack occurred as they were hunting for shed antlers in this remote locale situated roughly 50 miles northeast of Sacramento.
Following the attack, authorities were alerted, and deputies dispatched to the scene found the younger brother with severe facial injuries. The mountain lion, discovered crouching next to the deceased older brother, was later located and euthanized by an El Dorado county animal trapper and wardens from California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife. The animal’s carcass was collected for examination to shed light on the circumstances that led to this tragic event.
This incident marks the first fatal mountain lion attack in California in approximately 20 years, underscoring the rarity of such tragedies. Historical data from California wildlife officials indicate that there have been only 22 recorded mountain lion attacks on humans in the state since 1986, with four resulting in fatalities. The most recent fatality prior to this happened in Orange County in 2004.
Mountain lions, also known as cougars, are substantial creatures, typically measuring around 30 inches at the shoulder, 8 feet in length including their tails, and can weigh up to 175 pounds.
The victims’ identities have not been disclosed as investigations into this rare and unfortunate incident continue.