ConnectedSF has embarked on a groundbreaking mission to foster community engagement and informed citizenship across San Francisco, rallying thousands to shape the future of local governance and civic participation.

ConnectedSF Spearheads a City-Wide Movement for Engaged Citizenry in San Francisco

San Francisco, March 20, 2024 – In an ambitious move set to remould the landscape of civic activism in the city, ConnectedSF has officially unveiled its city-wide coalition of neighborhood groups aimed at enhancing community engagement and fostering a well-informed citizenry. This groundbreaking initiative, which already boasts the involvement of nearly 10,000 San Franciscans across all eleven districts, sets a bold vision for the future of local governance and civic participation.

Founded on the principles of empowerment and proactive involvement, ConnectedSF’s strategy is clear: to transform everyday residents into pivotal contributors towards the city’s welfare. Over the past year, this vibrant organization has orchestrated a sweeping campaign to bridge the gap between the city’s administration and its constituents, resulting in sending nearly 190,000 emails to City and State officials, organizing 16 impactful events, and steering significant city-wide reforms, including influential recalls in the Board of Education and District Attorney offices.

ConnectedSF’s roots trace back to 2020 when Marie Hurabiell, now the Executive Director, perceived a disconnect between City Hall’s decisions and the community’s aspirations. This realization sparked the formation of ConnectedSF, which has since emerged as a robust platform for San Franciscans keen on shaping their city’s destiny. Hurabiell remarked, “San Franciscans are bright and considerate individuals. Yet, the hectic pace of life has detached many from the day-to-day political landscape. Through ConnectedSF, we aim to simplify civic participation, making it both accessible and impactful for the residents to champion the changes they wish to see.”

One of the cornerstones of ConnectedSF’s approach is its support for localized neighborhood groups, which are instrumental in addressing contemporary urban issues. This effort has culminated in the formation of a diverse coalition that includes SOAR (Save Our Amazing Richmond), D2Unite, Iconic D3, SUN (Sunset United Neighbors), and several other dedicated groups. Together, they tackle a range of challenges, from the drug overdose crisis and homelessness to neighborhood safety and the revitalization of local businesses.

The reflections of Michael Juan, leader of Advocates 11, and a native San Franciscan, capture the spirit of this movement. “There’s a shared belief among us that San Francisco can reclaim its status as a world-class city. But it requires collective action, starting from our very neighborhoods,” Juan stated.

This sentiment echoes across the coalition, with members like Roger Wong of Sunset United Neighbors and Jay Elliott of Sensible D7, expressing their commitment to not only addressing the city’s immediate concerns but also catalyzing a shift towards dynamic civic leadership.

In its quest to invigorate San Francisco with active citizen engagement, ConnectedSF is laying the groundwork for sustainable change. As it moves into 2024, the organization remains steadfast in its advocacy for public safety, quality education, and economic rejuvenation, all while championing the voices and efforts of its city-wide network of neighborhood groups.

For San Franciscans yearning for a revitalized city that mirrors the collective ambitions of its inhabitants, ConnectedSF offers a platform of hope and action. Through collaborative efforts, strategic engagements, and an unwavering belief in the power of community, ConnectedSF is not just envisioning a better San Francisco; it’s actively forging it.

As the coalition now officially takes off, ConnectedSF extends an open invitation to all residents, community leaders, and stakeholders to join this transformative movement—underscoring the belief that a stronger, safer, and more vibrant San Francisco is within reach, powered by the people, for the people.

For further details on how to get involved and support this initiative, ConnectedSF can be reached at [email protected] or through their website

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